Alabama COVID-19 Tracking

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417,501 Conf. + 125,904 Prob.
Total Cases
8,785 Conf. + 2,361 Prob.
Total Deaths
417,501 Conf. + 125,904 Prob.
Cases Yesterday
2,611,777 Total
+2,611,777 Yesterday
Tests Reported
0 Allotted
2,851,368 Administered
2,839 Cases
100,164 Tested
Last 14 Days
49,899 Total
844 Current

Attention: This is the old version of Bama Tracker. This version will be available for a few months and update daily, but it is strongly advised that you use the new version of the site here:
Cumulative Cases
Probable Cases are the total number of patients who are epidemiologically linked (have had close contact) with a confirmed case, have symptoms meeting clinical criteria of COVID-19, and have no confirmatory laboratory testing performed for COVID-19.

Confirmed Cases Per Day
Bama Tracker tracks the change in cumulative cases from midnight to 11:59pm each day. The change shown above can vary slightly from ADPH. Here is a chart of Confirmed + Probable Cases Per Day.
Cumulative Deaths
Deaths Reported Per Day
Data above is based on reported date, not the date death occurred. To see deaths by date (not reported date), check this chart.
Cumulative Tests
Tests Per Day
Cumulative Hospitalizations
On 7/12/2020 ADPH adjusted how they count hospitalizations. More info here.
Hospitalizations Per Day
Increases to the cumulative total.
Confirmed Hospitalizations
Currently Hospitalized. 96 Hospitals reporting recently.
Rt Per Day
Rt is the rate of reproduction of the virus. If Rt is above 1.0, the virus will spread quickly. When Rt is below 1.0, the virus will stop spreading exponentially. Data from for Alabama. NOTE: This chart will update each Monday.
Case Growth Per Day
Growth % can vary drastically when the numbers are low and gradually reduce as the cumulative count rises. This chart starts at 6/1 to more clearly show recent changes in growth.
Doubling Time (In Days)
Doubling Time (in Days) is the time it will take for cumulative cases to double in value. The chart above shows the 'Doubling Days' over Time based on 7-day growth. Higher is better.
Rate of Deaths Per Day
Cumulative Deaths / Cumulative Cases Per Day
Percent of Counties With New Cases Per Day
Cumulative %Positive Per Day
Based on the running cumulative Total Cases / Total Tests each day. New test counts fluctuate greatly each day, so these percentages are based on the cumulative counts tracked over time. Example: Today would be 417501 / 2611777 = 15.99%.
7-Day Avg. %Positive Per Day
This is the 7-day avg amount of new cases divided by 7-day avg new tests reported each day. The "Ideal Range" comes from data presented by Johns Hopkins described in detail here.
Tests Per Positive
How many tests does it take to find 1 positive case? More testing with fewer positive cases is assumed to be an indication of progress. Idea by @twang0518.
14-Day Counts %Positive Per Day
This is the 14-day count of new cases divided by 14-day count of new tests reported each day by ADPH. The "Ideal Range" comes from data presented by Johns Hopkins described in detail here. Data started on 5/18/2020. On January 7, 2021, ADPH corrected an error in the way 14-day tested counts were being computed. This resulted in a large increase in the number of tests causing the 14-day-based Percent Positive value to fall sharply.

Total Cases By County

Totals shown are confirmed cases only

7-day Avg Cases By County

7-day avg shown is confirmed cases only

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Important: As of 6/3/2020 ADPH began updating their numbers at 10 am once a day. The change in the table below as of 6/3 most likely indicates an increase for the previous day.

County Cases Change Probable Change Deaths (Inc Prob.) Tests %Pos (14d) 7day Avg
Total 417,501 417501 125,904 125904 11,146 0    

Case & Death Demographics US State Cases & Deaths

Other Stats

Nationwide Totals

US Cases
New Today
US Deaths
New Today

Daily changes shown above reset around 7pm Central time

Statewide Percentages
2,611,777 out of 4,903,000 Population Tested
417,501 out of 2,611,777 Positive Tests
49,899 out of 417,501 Hospitalized

844 Currently Hospitalized
0 out of 67 Counties with New Cases Today
8,785 out of 417,501 Deceased

  • 8.515% of the population of Alabama has tested positive for COVID-19, approximately 8515 in 100,000 people.
  • 0.1792% of the population of Alabama have died from COVID-19, approximately 179 in 100,000 people.
  • Alabama Cases (417,501) make up 1.23% of the total US Cases of COVID-19 (34,022,949)